Friday, 20 January 2012

[CoB] Fort Muckmoth

I have decided to make a nice fort on the same island as Mathi Agea. It oversees all the land between the fort and Red Mountain, as well as all the land south, souheast until Vivec. In between those are other landmarks like Balmora Fortress and Ebonheart. Also note the overview on the whole Bitter Coast, the daedric ruins, Hla Oad, and pirates, upto Seyda Neen where you first got off the boat....

It still needs some exterior work and cluttering, more later...


  1. It looks lonely :( Maybe you can put rocks around the base or something so it doesn't look like it's the only thing on the island? Or maybe that's the point; to be the only thing on the island...

  2. it is a WiP still, roughly built, and needs cluttering. I just was so exited that I needed to post them :D
